Sue Miner
For Bad Hats: Princess Frownsalot (director) / ALICE IN WONDERLAND (DIRECTOR)
Elsewhere: Clique Claque, Three Men in a Boat (Pea Green Theatre Group) James and the Giant Peach (YPT) The Tempest (Canadian Stage) Prairie Nurse (Blyth Festival). Co Artistic Director of Pea Green Theatre with Mark Brownell, Acting Instructor/Director: Sheridan, Theatre Erindale, Toronto Film School Instructor/Director/Coordinator: George Brown Theatre School. Several Dora nominations, Three times on NOW Magazine Top-10 Theatre Artists, production of Puppetmongers' Cinderella in Muddy York won the “Citation of Excellence in the Art of Puppetry” founded by Jim Henson at the American Center of the Union Internationale de la Marionette, Harold Award (with Mark Brownell) for “Outstanding Contribution to the Toronto Performing Arts Scene. Upcoming: Prairie Nurse (Factory Theatre, Thousand Island Playhouse)